22 Jun Training for monitoring, lobbying and participation in the processes related to the implementation of key reforms in the energy sector by strengthening the capacities of the Macedonian civic environmental organizations
We are pleased to announce the online Training for monitoring, lobbying and participation in the processes related to the implementation of key reforms in the energy sector, which will be organized on 02-03.07.2020 through the ZOOM platform.
The training is organized within the project “Stronger civic support for effective application of energy policies in the EU accession process“, on the topics:
– Involvement of stakeholders in the preparation of national energy and climate plans
– Experiences in preparing long-term and integrated local action plans for Sustainable Energy and Climate Action Plan (SECAP) initiated by the movement of European mayors
– Planning documents on use of renewable energy sources and energy efficiency at national and local level
– Possible mechanisms for involving citizens in the process of medium-term planning of energy efficiency development, at the local level
For more information, follow us regularly on Facebook https://www.facebook.com/CeProSARD/ and on our website http://www.ceprosard.org.mk.
The project is implemented by CeProSARD with a grant awarded by the Swedish International Development Agency (SIDA), through the “Nordic Support for Progress of North Macedonia” Project, implemented by the UNOPS (United Nations Office for Project Services).