CeProSARD participated at the Workshop on the EU financial support mechanisms held on 06.11.2019 at the Double Tree Hotel in Skopje

CeProSARD participated at the Workshop on the EU financial support mechanisms held on 06.11.2019 at the Double Tree Hotel in Skopje

Representatives of CeProSARD participated at the workshop organized by the Delegation of the European Union for the EU financial support.

This was the last of a series of 25 workshops organized across the country.

The Ambassador Samuel Zbogar and the Head of Co-operation Sector Nikola Bertolini, with the mayors from Skopje Region, responsible persons from over 60 Macedonian municipalities, representatives of the non-governmental sector and other stakeholders, had the opportunity to discuss the challenges on local level, opportunities for funding from the EU, but alsohow to deliver a quality project.