05 Oct CeProSARD implements a training program for tourist service as an activity of the project “Fostering Rural and Environmental Tourism through Smart Tourist Information Centres / FRET-STIC “
On 05.10.2020, the first part of the training through the ZOOM platform started, intended for the participants in Albanian language who will be employed in STIC, and will last until 9.10.2020.
The second part of the training intended for the participants in Macedonian language who will be employed in STIC, will start on 19.10.2020, and will last until 23.10.2020 also through the ZOOM platform.
The training program and schedule were designed by the hired business analyst for STIC employees – on each side of the border – as a continuation of the previous training “Training on Consumer psychology and social media marketing”.
This training should provide insight into the “shortcomings“ in tourist service, which may arise from a lack of human knowledge – ie. TIC employee – for given POI (eg a historical site), lack of information (eg POI has never been recorded and located), lack of knowledge of interaction (eg polite response) and other similar reasons. The process of creating generic business processes will identify all of these shortcomings and provide business processes that adequately address these issues.
The training will provide:
Adoption of new, generic business processes in the daily work of serving tourists and collecting data from tourists, using the STIC platform, getting to know POIs in the cross-border region, as well as knowledge of the Consumer psychology.
Implementing organizations/institutions:
- CeProSARD as leading organization, in partnership with the
- Municipality of Tetovo and
- RRegional Development Agency South – RDA South, Kosovo
European Union