Workshops in Skopje and Prishtina

Workshops in Skopje and Prishtina

We are glad to announce workshops organized in Skopje on 26th of November for the Green Building Council North Macedonia, and in Prishtina on 27th of November for the Green Building Council Kosovo by CeProSARD as part of the RECONOMY Program.

The goal of the workshops was to extend knowledge from experiences and best practices of the Green Building Council Croatia , presented by its CEO, Dean Smolar.

This included, but was not limited to exchange of experiences on administration, operational activities, strategy and planning for upcoming period topics.

Also, we are grateful to Chamber of Certified Architects and Certified Engineers of the Republic of N. Macedonia and Aleksandar Manchevski who provided us with a venue to hold the workshop in Skopje, and Shend Boshnjaku for excellent organization in Prishtina.

RECONOMY is a regional inclusive and green economic development program of the Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency (Sida), implemented by Helvetas Swiss Interoperation in partnership with CeProSARD and others in the Eastern Partnership and the Western Balkan regions.