Third partnership agreement from the RECONOMY program with KOAI was signed

Third partnership agreement from the RECONOMY program with KOAI was signed

The pleasure is growing up as we are to announce the signing of the third contract on 18 September 2024, with market actor Chamber of certified architects and certified engineers of Macedonia, as part of the project “Energy efficiency in construction and renovation in the Western Balkans” in the frame of the RECONOMY program.

The purpose of the contract is to contribute to the implementation of the RECONOMY program, specifically striving towards:

  • Empowering women, youth, and disadvantaged groups in Green Construction with providing tailored training and resources that specifically address their need and equipping them with the skills required to participate in and benefit from the growing green construction sector;
  • Promoting inclusive career advancement for women, youth, and disadvantaged groups to advance their careers by gaining specialized skills in energy-efficient construction, thereby improving their employability and access to better job opportunities within the construction industry.
  • Increasing accessibility to high quality professional development through the inclusive platform that removes barriers to learning, providing professionals from all backgrounds, including those in remote or underserved areas, with the ability to engage in high-quality training at their convenience.
  • Strengthening collaboration and inclusivity among Engineering Chambers in the Western Balkans regions with knowledge-sharing and collaboration tool.

By utilizing web e-learning platform as an inclusive and centralized resource hub, comprehensive and inclusive resources will be offered, ensuring that professionals from all backgrounds have equal access to training modules, industry updates, certification processes, and digital registries of materials and equipment relevant to green construction. This targeted approach is designed to empower female professionals and youth, expanding their employment and income opportunities in the energy efficient construction and renovation.

RECONOMY is a regional inclusive and green economic development program of the Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency (Sida), implemented by HELVETAS Swiss Intercooperation in partnership with CeProSARD and others in the Eastern Partnership and the Western Balkan regions.