A new group home for living with support in the community has been opened in municipality of Gradsko – a total number of 50 people with intellectual disabilities have been resettled in new homes within TIMOR project

A new group home for living with support in the community has been opened in municipality of Gradsko – a total number of 50 people with intellectual disabilities have been resettled in new homes within TIMOR project

During yesterday, 28th of December 2022, 5 more people with intellectual disabilities moved to Gradsko from the Demir Kapija Special Institute, who will welcome the new year in a new warm home and move from institutional care to using the service living with support in the community.

With the opening of this small group home, we complete the number of 50 planned users of the Special Institute Demir Kapija to be resettled within the deinstitutionalization process to a new home within the project activities.

The assistants for supported living and the professional staff of the Association of Persons with Cerebral Palsy and Other Disabilities – Veles, as well as the mayor of the municipality of Gradsko warmly welcomed them to their home. In the new home, the received New Year`s gifts, a festive atmosphere and attitude and will for easier adaptation to the new environment.

During the implementation of the TIMOR project, more than 30 people were also financially supported and employed – assistants for supported living and professional staff such as coordinators, physiotherapists, persons for special support etc.

The project is financed by the European Union and is implemented within the EU Action Program to support education, employment and social policy, IPA II 2017.

The project is implemented in a consortium with:
• Association of special educators and rehabilitators of the Republic of North Macedonia;
• Special Institute Demir Kapija
• Municipality of Demir Kapija
• Loza Foundation, Sweden