Round Table “Situation, challenges and recommendations related to the implementation of policies in the field of energy“ was held

Round Table “Situation, challenges and recommendations related to the implementation of policies in the field of energy“ was held

On 03.09.2020, the team of CSO CeProSARD, within the project “ Stronger civic support for effective application of energy policies in the EU accession process“, organized an event at the Hotel Aleksandar Palace, Skopje – Round table “ Situation, challenges and recommendations related to the implementation of policies in the field of energy. “

The event was addressed by Mr. Jani Makraduli, Deputy Minister of Environment and Physical Planning, Mr. Stefan Bogoev, Mayor of the Municipality of Karpos, Mr. Aleksandar Naumoski, Mayor of the Municipality of Gjorce Petrov, Mr. Nehri Emrula, Director of the Energy Agency, Ms. Elena Petkanovska, Consultant, Ms. Sofija Bogeva – Skopje Lab and Ms. Gordana Pecelj, Project Coordinator. Representatives of the civil society organizations Zetva na znaenje, Alka, Florit from Gevgelija, Ekokrater from Kratovo, MRR, Milieukontakt Macedonia, Centar za resursi vo zivotna sredina (REC) – N. Macedonia, Zdruzenie Dvizenje za odrzliv socioekonomski razvoj GLOBAL from Bitola, representatives from the municipalities of Karpos, Butel and Gjorce Petrov, from the Chamber of Crafts of the Republic of N. Macedonia, Secretariat for European Affairs, Chamber of Commerce and UNDP representatives from the MoEPP and UNOPS also took active part in the round table.
Deputy Minister of Environment and Physical Planning Jani Makraduli stressed that one of the key components in the recovery of the economy is the energy transition and that investments in energy efficiency and renewable sources, as well as decarburization of warming, must be high on the economic recovery agenda. He stressed the need for a quality indigenous Macedonian Green Agreement that would involve civil society organizations, academic community, the private sector, state institutions and friends of the international community, and produce a document for future generations.

The Mayor of the Municipality of Karpos, Stefan Bogoev, referred to the importance of using renewable energy sources, changes in the heating system in state institutions and the construction of energy efficient buildings, as well as the progress of the municipality in that direction.

The Mayor of Gjorce Petrov, Aleksandar Naumoski, presented the project for public lighting in the municipality as a positive example for other municipalities, and that the municipality already supports and invests in energy efficiency projects in public sector buildings and buildings for collective housing.

Ms. Sofija Bogeva presented the Joint Initiative for cooperation and partnership of civil society organizations and national and local authorities in the field of environment and climate change, supported by a number of CSOs.
At this Round Table, the focus was on the document with analysis and recommendations for more effective participation of the civil society sector in the implementation of energy policies, which was presented by Ms. Elena Petkanovska. She stressed that the process of energy transition of our country towards a cleaner and climate neutral energy sector can be successful only if it is economically balanced and socially fair, and if the whole society stands behind it. The involvement of citizens and civil society organizations is not a one-time event, but a continuous process, which helps build public confidence in the decisions of politicians and improve the quality of decisions made.

The project is implemented by CeProSARD with a grant awarded by the Swedish International Development Agency (SIDA), through the “Nordic Support for Progress of North Macedonia” Project, implemented by the UNOPS (United Nations Office for Project Services).