CeProSARD started the implementation of the project “Support for improved management of natural resources in National Park Pelister”

CeProSARD started the implementation of the project “Support for improved management of natural resources in National Park Pelister”

On 4 May 2018, CeProSARD started the implementation of the project „ на проектот “Support for improved management of natural resources in National Park Pelister” supported by UNDP.

The overall objective of the project is to provide technical support towards improved management of the NP Pelister, including monitoring and sustainable use of resources.

Активностите меѓу другото вклучуваат:

  • Мониторинг и заштита на крупни ѕверки: кафеава мечка (Ursus arctos), рис (Lynx lynx) и волк (Canis lupus) како клучни видови според Анекс II од EU Habitats Directive во Националниот парк „Пелистер“;
  • Подобрување на планинскиот туризам во паркот;
  • Проценка на можноста

The activities include:

  • Monitoring and proection of large carnivores: brown bear (Ursus arctos), lynx (Lynx lynx) and wolf (Canis lupus) as a key speces according to Annex II of EU Habitats Directive in the National Park “Pelister“;
  • Improvement of mountain nature-based tourism in the Park.
  • Assessment of the possibility for eco system services from fresh water in NP “Pelister“.

The duration of the project is 15 months.