Part of the project implementation unit of the project TIMOR in working visit to Municipality of Demir Kapija

Part of the project implementation unit of the project TIMOR in working visit to Municipality of Demir Kapija

On May 7, 2020, members of PIU on the project TIMOR held a working meeting on the premises of the municipality of Demir Kapija.

Attendees on the meeting were Mr Borche Stavrov- project coordinator TIMOR project- assigned by the Municipality of Demir Kapija and Aleksandra Velkovska Director from SI Demir Kapija PI.

The purpose of the meeting was reviewing the current situation related to Coronavirus in the SI Demir Kapija PI and to make analysis for further implementation on the project activities in near future, according to the project timeframe.

The project is implemented by CeProSARD in consortium with:

  • Association of special educators and rehabilitators of the Republic of North Macedonia (ASERRNM)
  • SI Demir Kapija
  • Municipality of Demir Kapija
  • Loza Foundation, Sweden

The project duration is 36 months and it is funded by the European Union.