Energy efficient construction and renovation in the Western Balkans

Energy efficient construction and renovation in the Western Balkans

CeProSARD has been identified and selected as the Implementing Partner to support the implementation of the “Energy efficient construction and renovation in the Western Balkans” project of the RECONOMY program – an inclusive and green economic development program in the Eastern Partnership and the Western Balkan countries.


Project descripton

RECONOMY is an inclusive and green economic development program of the Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency (Sida), implemented by HELVETAS Swiss Intercooperation in partnership with Center for promotion of sustainable agricultural practices and rural development – CeProSARD and others in the Eastern Partnership and the Western Balkan countries.

The main objective of the RECONOMY program:

  • to enable women and youth, including the most disadvantaged and excluded groups, to benefit from economic opportunities by increasing their income and taking up decent/green employment/self-employment. The RECONOMY program has a four-year-long Main Phase, which for the Western Balkans started in April 2023 and will last till the end of December 2026.


The impact of the RECONOMY program is the generation of better income and decent/green jobs, including the most disadvantaged and excluded groups, inclusively and sustainably as a result of:

  • Improved competencies of the workforce, either to join private sector enterprises (employment) or start their economic initiatives (self-employment);
  • Relevant and quality business and technology services for increased investment and growth of private sector enterprises; and
  • Enhanced industry or a firm-specific enabling environment for private sector enterprises, to do business in a better way and increase their efficiency by utilizing the opportunities of green and digital transformation.


The focus is on promoting and strengthening the economic regional value addition of the construction sector with a focus on energy efficiency products in construction and skills on renovating the buildings in which the Implementing Partner’s activities will be carried out in the following Western Balkan countries: Albania, Bosnia & Herzegovina, Kosovo, Montenegro, North Macedonia, and Serbia.


Impact indicators of the project:

  • Number of women and youth with additional income and decent and green job opportunities
  • Women
  • Most disadvantaged and excluded groups
  • Green jobs
  • Percentage of women and youth with additional income and decent job opportunities who express satisfaction with their situation

Outcome indicators:

  • Amount of additional investment made by private sector enterprises because of changes stimulated by the program
  • Percentage of private sector enterprises that report higher turnover and/or profit as a result of changes stimulated by the program
  • Number of women and youth with improved skills relevant to market needs
  • Percentage of women and youth who express satisfaction with the relevance of skills
  • Number of women and youth that access and use intermediation services
  • Percentage of women and youth who express satisfaction with the relevance of intermediation services
  • Number of private sector enterprises report better performance as a result of clear and implemented policies/regulations/administrative requirements as a result of the program’s facilitation
  • Percentage of private sector enterprises that report increased economic opportunities and business environment


The project is aimed to achieve these targets through proposed interventions.


Project duration: 01.08.2023 – 31.12.2026 (41 months).

Project is funded by:

The Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency (Sida) in partnership with HELVETAS Swiss Intercooperation for implementing RECONOMY program.