Cooperation and partnership of civil society organizations and NGOs with national and local authorities in the field of environment and climate change

Cooperation and partnership of civil society organizations and NGOs with national and local authorities in the field of environment and climate change

Within the project “Strong civic support for effective application of the energy policies in the EU accession process”, which aims to strengthen the active participation and engagement of the civil society sector in the implementation of activities of public interest that will contribute to the process of the country’s accession to the EU, by strengthening the capacities and position of CSOs for cooperation with all relevant stakeholders related to the implementation of energy policies in the country, through:

  • Involve stakeholders in the preparation of national energy and climate plans,
  • Gaining experience in preparing long-term and integrated local action plans for sustainable energy development and climate change (SECAP) initiated by the Covenant of Mayors for Climate & Energy,
  • Planning documents on using renewable energy sources and energy efficiency at national and local level,
  • Possible mechanisms for citizen involvement in the process of medium-term planning of energy efficiency development, at local level,

whose target group is the Macedonian CSOs working in the field of environment with a focus on the energy sector.

End users, in addition to the Macedonian CSOs working in the field of environment are the relevant institutions responsible for the implementation of appropriate policies in the country.

In fulfilling the goals of the project, support with the participation of their representatives was provided by several national institutions and local governments, such as the support of the Municipality of Gjorce Petrov, and the meeting with the Mayor, Mr. Aleksandar Naumoski.

The project is implemented by CeProSARD with a grant awarded by the Swedish International Development Agency (SIDA), through the “Nordic Support for Progress of North Macedonia” Project, implemented by the UNOPS (United Nations Office for Project Services).